Casalins Andres
Univerdad Central of Venezuela, Venezuela
Title: Generation of H2 S,CO2 and organosulfured compounds present in thermal recovery processes in oil Sands, Orinoco Belt Venezuela
Biography: Casalins Andres
The processes of thermal recovery (IAV, ICV, SAGD, among others) lead to aquatermolysis reactions occurring predominantly between 200 ° C and the range of 300-350 ° C, (Clark andHyne ,1984). In the present investigation the experimental simulations were carried out in reactors in lines with parameters of pressure and temperature of (750 Psi, 1200Psi, 200 ° C and 300 ° C) where the Voil:Vwater is 1: 2 and sands of (95.5% SiO2, 1.2% FeS2 and 3.3% clay minerals, these reactions were generated in gold tubes at time intervals of 1 to 21 days.The results obtained in the present investigation show a proportional relationship between the increase of the temperature and the time of reaction in the generation of H2S reaching concentrations of 3870 ppm related to 2.55 mL of H2S / g.oil sand, for the generation of CO2 as the reaction time increases decreasing the concentration until a minimum of 1.70 mL of CO2 / g.oil sand is reached, it is important to mention that at 200 ° C the concentrations of H2S are significantly lower (Maximum generation 0.13 mL of H2S / g.oil sand equivalent to 212 ppm H2S) compared to 300 ° C, which suggests possibly thermal cracking of organosulfur compounds identified (more 144 organosulfured compounds using a GCxGC TOF gas chromatograph) among them Dibenzothiophenes present in the aromatic fraction of the crude. However, the amount of H2S generated during the vaporization process is also correlated with the amount of polysulphides (R-Sx-R) thiophenes and Tiols (R-S-H) present.